
A miscellany of opinions and views (capo 3)

Mouse, house, grouse, souse….

Posted by gclectic on Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ok, now I’m really confused.  I posted recently about the much reported story of the mouse that got revenge by torching the house of the man who set it on fire.  Cheryl of Out of the Box nicely pointed out that Snopes has reported the story as fraud.  However, the primary quotes used to rebut the story come from exactly the same man (i.e. the homeowner) who was quoted as the primary source in the original article.  Finally, just a few minutes ago, we get another article which goes back to the same original source that is quoted in the other two articles, saying that he stands by his original story.  It’s kind of like watching a man play ping-pong against himself — no matter how hard he plays, you kind if figure it’s going to come out as a tie.

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